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Bali Sugar

Arnold Gold, married, two teenage children, wants to write a satire on pornography. But he feels constrained by the domestic demands of suburban Melbourne, and rents a room in Kuta, Bali. Now at last he can devote all his time to "Monica’s Mouth". But of course, it is not to be. His new life is increasingly taken up by Dutch tourists, Australian Greeks, some decidedly odd religious fringe-dwellers and a beguiling local lady, who threatens to pull out the rug from under his existing marriage. Through her he also gets mixed up with Indonesian politics, the Australian media and a bloke he once thought of as a good friend. "Monica’s Mouth" slips further and further into the background and Arnold breaks through into a completely new dimension. It could happen to anyone.


Steve Brook is a Melbourne writer. This does not mean that he writes Melbourne, but that he lives there. At various times, he has been a hot metal compositor, a proofreader, a print and radio journalist, a book editor, and a clerk in an obscure department of the Commonwealth Public Service. So far, he has been responsible for a memoir, Strawberries with everything: A Polish Odyssey 1966-1974 (2005) and two allegedly satirical novels, Bali Sugar: A tale of tropical love, God and politicking (2004) and McQuail: A likely story(2003). But first:












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